te Braak, P.(2022): Methods, Modes, and Measurement Errors: Mapping the Validity of Self-Administered Online Time-Diaries. Brussels: VUBPRESS (313 blz.) - TOR 2022/26.
Glorieux, I., J. Verbeylen(2021): What do professors do all day?In: S. Van Puyvelde, & C. Buts (Eds.),Critical Contributions To Economics And Beyond: Liber Amicorum Marc Jegers, Berlin: Lexxion: 74-90 - TOR 2021/38.
Van Droogenbroeck, F., B. Spruyt(2021): Social pressure for religious conformity and anti-gay sentiment among Muslim and Christian youth.In: X. Kuang, J. Zhu, & K. J. Kennedy (Eds.),Civic Learning for Alienated, Disaffected and Disadvantaged Students: Barriers, Issues, and Lessons, 1st ed., Routledge: 87-108 - TOR 2021/19.
Craig, L., J. Brown, T.P. van Tienoven(2020): Australian Mothering in Cross-National Perspective: Time Allocation, Gender Gaps, Scheduling, and Subjective Time Pressure.In: C. Pascoe Leahy & P. Bueskens (Eds.),Australian Mothering: Historical and Sociological Perspective, London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 317-336 - TOR 2020/48.
Verhoest, P., A. Slaets, L. d'Haenens, J. Minnen, I. Glorieux(2020): Selective exposure in an environment of Information Diversity: Results of a Diary Survey and Attitude Analysis of News Use. - TOR 2020/3.
Verhoest, P., A. Slaets, L. d'Haenens, J. Minnen, I. Glorieux(2020): Fragmentation, Homogenisation or Segmentation: A Diary Survey into the Diversity of News Consumption in a High-Choice Media Envionment. - TOR 2020/2.
Verhoest, P., A. Slaets, P. te Braak, L. d'Haenens(2019): One Image, Different Views: A Cognitivist Experiment on the Perception of News Diversity. - TOR 2019/33.
Liangruenrom, N., M. Craike, D. Dumuid, S. J. H. Biddle, C. Tudor-Locke, B. Ainsworth, C. Jalayondeja, T.P. van Tienoven, U. Lachapelle, D. Weenas, D. Berrigan, T. Olds, Z. Pedisic(2019): Standardised criteria for classifying the International Classification of Activities for Time-use Statistics (ICATUS) activity groups into sleep, sedentary behaviour, and physical activity.International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16, 106 - TOR 2019/28.
Van Droogenbroeck, F., B. Spruyt, S. Kutnjak Ivković, M.R. Haberfeld(2019): The Effects of Ethics Training on Police Integrity.In: S. Kutnjak Ivković & M. R. Haberfeld (Eds.),Exploring Police Integrity: Novel Approaches to Police Integrity Theory and Methodology, Switzerland: Springer: 365-382 - TOR 2019/27.
Heyne, D., C. Gentle-Genitty, M. Landell, G. Melvin, B. Chu, M. Gallé-Tessonneau, K. Askeland, C. Gonzálvez, T. Havik, J. Ingul, D. Bach Johnsen, G. Keppens, M. Knollmann, A. Lyon, N. Maeda, V. Reissner, F. Sauter, W. Silverman, M. Thastum, B. Tonge, C. Kearney(2019): Improving school attendance by enhancing communication among stakeholders: establishment of the International Network for School Attendance (INSA).European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, - TOR 2019/24.
Van Droogenbroeck, F., B. Spruyt(2019): Social pressure for religious conformity and anti- gay sentiment among Muslim and Christian youth.Educational Psychology, 40, 2: 227-248 - TOR 2019/16.
Gallé-Tessonneau, M., D. Bach Johnsen, G. Keppens(2019): The relationship between mental health and school absenteeism in a community sample of French secondary school students: four profiles derived from cluster analysis.European Journal of Education and Psychology, 12, 1: 77-90 - TOR 2019/14.
De Keere, K., B. Spruyt(2019): ‘Prophets in the pay of state’: The institutionalization of the middle-class habitus in schooling between 1880 and 2010.The Sociological Review, : 1-20 - TOR 2019/2.
Spruyt, B., T. Kuppens, R. Spears, J. Van Noord(2018): Talking Politics? Educational Category Salience Reinforces Differences in People’s Willingness to Participate in Deliberative Initiatives.Political Psychology, - TOR 2018/30.
Van der Eecken, A., B. Spruyt, L. Bradt(2018): Giving young people a well-rounded education: a study of the educational goals parents attach to the leisure activities of their children.Leisure Studies, - TOR 2018/29.
Spruyt, B., F. Van Droogenbroeck(2018): Self-reflection by assessing the impact of remembrance education: Holocaust, Police and Human Rights as an example.In: Kazerne Dossin (ed.) ,Structural quality standards to connect law and memory. A manual for particioners, policymakers, and civil servant program implementers, Mechelen: Kazerne Dossin: 23-32 - TOR 2018/26.
Spruyt, B., F. Van Droogenbroeck, J. Van Noord(2018): Conflict thinking: Exploring the social basis of perceiving the world through the lens of social conflict.Social Science Research, 74: 16-29 - TOR 2018/25.
Castanho Silva, B, I Andreadis, E Anduiza, N Blanuša, Y.M. Corti, G Delfino, G Rico, S.P. Ruth, B. Spruyt, M Steenbergen, L Littvay(2018): Public opinion surveys: a new measure.In: Hawkins, K.A., Carlin, R.E., Levente, L. & Kaltwasser, C.R. (eds.),The ideational approach to populism. Concept, theory and analysis, London: Routledge: 150-177 - TOR 2018/24.
Boone, S., M. Seghers, M. Van Houtte (2018): Transition from primary to secondary education in a rigidly tracked system: the case of Flanders.In: A. Tarabini & N. Ingram ,Educational choices, transitions and aspirations in Europe: systemic, institutional and subjective challenges, Abingdon: Routledge: 53-70 - TOR 2018/14.
Amsellem-Mainguy, Y., M. Devlin, G. Friesenhahn, F. Labadie, K. Lambert, M. Magkou, H.J. Schild, R. Schwalback, B. Spruyt, L. Suurpää, H. Williamson, A. Wulff(2018): Young people in a digitalised world. Perspectives on youth.Volume 4, Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing (124 blz.) - TOR 2018/8.
van Tienoven, T.P., J. Minnen, I. Glorieux(2017): The statistics of the time pressure scale. Brussel: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Onderzoeksgroep TOR (12 blz.) - TOR 2017/26.
Minnen, J., I. Glorieux(2016): New data collection methodologies. Future of time-use research in Europe. Brussels: Task Force TUS, Department of Sociology (EUROSTAT working report) - TOR 2017/21.
Deyaert, J., T. Harms, D. Weenas, J. Gershuny, I. Glorieux(2017): Attaching metabolic expenditures to standard occupational classification systems: perspectives from time-use research.BMC Public Health, 17:620 (DOI 10.1186/s12889-017-4546-7) - TOR 2017/14.
Van Droogenbroeck, F., B. Spruyt, J. Siongers, G. Keppens(2017): Religious Quest Orientation and Anti-Gay Sentiment: Nuancing the Relationship Between Religiosity and Negative Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among Young Muslims and Christians in Flanders.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, - TOR 2017/8.
van Tienoven, T.P., I. Glorieux, J. Minnen(2017): Exploring the stable practices of everyday life: A multi-day time-diary approach.The Sociological Review, 65, 4: 745-762 - TOR 2017/7.
Daniels, S., I. Glorieux(2017): Cooking up Manliness: A Practice-Based Approach to Men’s At-Home Cooking and Attitudes Using Time-Use Diary Data.In: Michelle Szabo, Shelley L. Koch,Food, Masculinities and Home. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, London: Bloomsbury Publishing: 31-58 - TOR 2017/6.
van Tienoven, T.P.(2017): Daily routines. Studying temporal structures and the organisation of everyday life. Brussel: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Onderzoeksgroep TOR - TOR 2017/5.
Spruyt, B., L. Vandenbossche, G. Keppens, J. Siongers, F. Van Droogenbroeck(2016): Social Differences in Leisure Boredom and its Consequences for Life Satisfaction Among Young People.Child Indicators Research, : 1-19 - TOR 2017/4.
Van Droogenbroeck, F., B. Spruyt(2016): I ain’t gonna make it. Comparing job demands-resources and attrition intention between senior teachers and senior employees of six other occupational categories in Flanders.The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 83, 2: 128-155 - TOR 2016/9.
Sacco, M., W. Smits, D. Kavadias, B. Spruyt, C. d'Andrimont(2016): BSI synopsis. Brussels youth: between diversity and lack of security.Brussels Studies, 98 - TOR 2016/8.
Van Droogenbroeck, F.(2016): Too tired to teach? Key determinants of mental health and early retirement among senior teachers: a comparative and teacher-specific perspective. Brussel: Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Doctoraal proefschrift) - TOR 2016/7.
Spruyt, B., G. Keppens, F. Van Droogenbroeck(2016): Who supports populism and what attracts them to it.Political Research Quarterly, (online first) - TOR 2016/4.
Amsellem-Mainguy, Y., M. Devlin, G. Friesenhahn, F. Labadie, K. Lambert, M. Magkou, H.J. Schild, R. Schwalback, B. Spruyt, L. Suurpää, H. Williamson, A. Wulff(2016): Perspectives on Youth. Healthy Europe: Confidence and uncertainty for young people in contemporary Europe.Volume 3, Strasbourg: Council of Europe/European Commission (170 blz.) - TOR 2016/3.
Spruyt, B., J. Van der Noll, L. Vandenbossche(2016): Meaning matters. An empirical analysis into public denotations of the label ‘strangers’ and their relationship with general ethnic prejudice.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 51, 2: 41-53 - TOR 2016/2.
Keppens, G., B. Spruyt(2016): Towards a typology of occasional truancy: an operationalisation study of occasional truancy in secondary education in Flanders.Research Papers in Education, 32, 1: 121-135 (DOI 10.1080/02671522.2015.1136833) - TOR 2016/1.
Spruyt, B., T. Kuppens(2015): Education-based thinking and acting? Towards an identity perspective for studying education differentials in public opinion and political participation.European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 2, 3-4: 291-312 - TOR 2015/54.
Glorieux, I., J. Minnen, T.P. van Tienoven, S. Daniels, D. Weenas, J. Deyaert, E. Mészáros, S. Van den Bogaert(2015): Technical Report TOR13. Modular Online Time Use Survey (MOTUS): Fieldwork and response analyses. Brussel: Vakgroep Sociologie, Onderzoeksgroep TOR (32 blz.) - TOR 2015/41.
Spruyt, B., D. Kavadias, F. Van Droogenbroeck(2015): Educational tracking and sense of futility: a matter of stigma consciousness?Oxford Review of Education, 41, 6: 747-765 - TOR 2015/40.
van Tienoven, T.P., I. Glorieux, J. Minnen, S. Daniels(2015): If fathers care, how do they share? The temporal and spatial allocation of fathers’ time to parenting activities.Family Science, 6, 1: 282-292 (DOI: 10.1080/19424620.2015.1082338) - TOR 2015/39.
Hofferth, S., K. Fisher, I. Glorieux(2015): Men’s family involvement across industrial nations: introduction to special section.Family Science, 6, 1: 240-242 (DOI: 10.1080/19424620.2015.1086206) - TOR 2015/38.
Roggemans, L., B. Spruyt, F. Van Droogenbroeck, G. Keppens(2015): Religion and Negative Attitudes towards Homosexuals: An Analysis of Urban Young People and Their Attitudes towards Homosexuality.Young, 23, 3: 254-276 - TOR 2015/26.
Van Droogenbroeck, F., B. Spruyt(2015): Do teachers have worse mental health? Review of the existing comparative research and results from the Belgian Health Interview Survey.Teaching and Teacher Education, 51: 88-100 (http://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2015.06.006) - TOR 2015/23.
Minnen, J., I. Glorieux, T.P. van Tienoven(2015): Who works when? Towards a typology of weekly work patterns in Belgium.Time & Society, 25, 3: 652-675 (DOI: 10.1177/0961463X15590918.
) - TOR 2015/22.
De Keere, K.(2015): Struggling over self and society. A cultural-sociological analysis of individualism in modern society. Brussel: Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Doctoraal proefschrift) - TOR 2015/10.
Daniels, S., I. Glorieux(2015): Convenience, food and family lives: A socio-typological study of household food expenditures in 21st-century Belgium.Appetite, 94, 1: 54-61 - TOR 2015/7.
Van Droogenbroeck, F., B. Spruyt(2015): Working Longer Under which Conditions? Motivating Flemish Senior Teachers to Work Past the Age of 60.In: R. Nata (Ed.),Progress in Education, Volume 32, New York: Nova Publishers: 77-92 - TOR 2015/6.
Koelet, S., H. De Valk, I. Glorieux, I. Laurijssen, D. Willaert (2015): The timing of family commitments in the early work career: Work-family trajectories of young adults in Flanders.Demographic Research, 32: 657-690 - TOR 2015/5.
Keppens, G., B. Spruyt(2015): Short-term fun or long-term gain: a mixed methods empirical investigation into perceptions of truancy among non-truants in Flanders.Educational Studies, 41, 3: 326-340 - TOR 2015/2.
Minnen, J., I. Glorieux, T.P. van Tienoven(2015): Transportation habits: Evidence from time-use data.Transportation Research , Part A, 76: 25-37 - TOR 2015/1.
Martin, J.L., D. Vandebroeck(2014): ‘(Explaining)’. John Levi Martin talks explanations, causality and social aesthetics.Irish Journal of Sociology, 22, 2: x-x - TOR 2014/62.
Vandebroeck, D.(2014): Classifying Bodies, Classified Bodies, Class Bodies. A Carnal Critique of the Judgment of Taste.In: P. Coulangeon & J. Duval (eds.),The Routledge Companion to Bourdieu's Distinction, London: Routledge : x-x - TOR 2014/61.
Fligstein, N., D. Vandebroeck(2014): The Frenzy of Fields. An interview with Neil Fligstein on field theory and social skill.Irish Journal of Sociology, 22, 1: 107-129 - TOR 2014/59.
Daniels, S., I. Glorieux, J. Minnen, T.P. van Tienoven, D. Weenas(2015): Convenience on the menu? A typological conceptualization of family food expenditures and food-related time patterns.Social Science Research, 51: 205-218 - TOR 2014/56.
Spruyt, B., F. Van Droogenbroeck(2014): Forewarned is forearmed? A survey-experiment concerning the impact of pre-notification letters on response in a postal survey.Irish Journal of Sociology, 22, 2: 84-93 - TOR 2014/54.
De Keere, K.(2014): From a self-made to an already-made man: A historical content analysis of professional advice literature.Acta Sociologica, 57, 4: 311-324 - TOR 2014/45.
van Tienoven, T.P., J. Minnen, S. Daniels, D. Weenas, A. Raaijmakers, I. Glorieux(2014): Calculating the Social Rhythm Metric (SRM) and Examining Its Use in Interpersonal Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) in a Healthy Population Study.Behavioral Sciences, 4: 265-277 - TOR 2014/38.
Spruyt, B., M. Elchardus, L. Roggemans, F. Van Droogenbroeck(2014): Can peace be taught? Brussels: Flemish Peace Institute (109 blz.) - TOR 2014/37.
Van Droogenbroeck, F., B. Spruyt, C. Vanroelen(2014): Burnout among senior teachers: Investigating the role of workload and interpersonal relationships at work.Teaching and Teacher Education, 43: 99-109 (doi:10.1016/j.tate.2014.07.005
) - TOR 2014/34.
Spruyt, B.(2014): An asymmetric group relation? An investigation into public perceptions of education-based groups and the support for populism.Acta Politica, 49, 2: 123-143 - TOR 2014/23.
Aerts, D., J. Minnen, I. Glorieux, I. Wouters, F. Descamps(2014): A method for the identification and modelling of realistic domestic occupancy sequences for building energy demand simulations and peer comparison.Building and Environment, 75, May 2014: 67-78 - TOR 2014/4.
Minnen, J., I. Glorieux, T.P. van Tienoven, D. Weenas(2013): MOTUS: Modular online Time-Use Survey. Proceedings of the NTTS. Conferences on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics 2013: EUROSTAT, pp. 785-794.
, Brussels (DOI 10.2901/Eurostat.C2013.001) - TOR 2013/45.
Elchardus, M., Sie Dhian Ho(2013): Towards a Post-Liberal Narrative.In: Ernst Stetter, Karl Duffek and Ania Skrzypek (eds.),Framing a new progressive narrative, Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies: 96-119 - TOR 2013/43.
van Tienoven, T.P., I. Glorieux, J. Minnen(2013): Paid work as an originator of daily routine.Journal Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities, 1, 3: 11-16 - TOR 2013/42.
van Tienoven, T.P., I. Glorieux, J. Minnen, S. Daniels, D. Weenas(2013): If Only the French Republicans Had Known This: The Week as a Social Fact.Societies, 3, 4: 399-413 - TOR 2013/32.
Aerts, D., J. Minnen, I. Glorieux, I. Wouters, F. Descamps(2013): Discrete occupancy profiles from time-use data for user behaviour modelling in homes.Proceedings of BS2013: 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, : 2421-2427 - TOR 2013/31.
Elchardus, M., S. Herbots, B. Spruyt(2013): Keeping on track and growing apart: An empirical analysis of the role of education and media in attitude formation.Poetics, 41, 5: 524-544 - TOR 2013/27.
Elchardus, M., K. De Keere(2013): Republicanism in Mediated Society. A comparative analysis on public and private evaluation guided by the theory of symbolic society.International Journal of Politics, Culture and society, 26, 3: 273-290 - TOR 2013/25.
De Groof, S., M. Elchardus(2013): Dealing with early school leaving and youth unemployment: Some preliminary conclusions.In: Saskia De Groof & Mark Elchardus (Eds.),Early School Leaving & Youth Unemployment, Amsterdam/Leuven: Amsterdam University Press and Lannoo Campus: 256-264 - TOR 2013/17.
De Groof, S., M. Elchardus(2013): Dealing with early school leaving and youth unemployment : An Introduction.In: Saskia De Groof & Mark Elchardus (Eds.),Early School Leaving & Youth Unemployment, Amsterdam/Leuven: Amsterdam University Press and Lannoo Campus: 7-9 - TOR 2013/16.
De Groof, S., M. Elchardus(2013): Early School Leaving & Youth Unemployment. Amsterdam/Leuven: Amsterdam University Press and Lannoo Campus (288 blz.) - TOR 2013/15.
Aerts, D., F. Descamps, I. Wouters, J. Minnen, I. Glorieux(2012): Individual Household Behaviour Modelling as a Precursor for Energy Use Modelling. Edition:Proceedings of ZEMCH 2012 International Conference, pp: 502 - 514, - TOR 2012/46.
Toots, A., S. De Groof, D. Kavadias(2012): New Citizens for Globalized Societies? Citizenship education from a comparative perspective.Journal of Social Science Education, 11, 1: 3-6 - TOR 2012/45.
Laurijssen, I., B. Spruyt(2012): Not for people like us? A six-year panel study of the relation between ‘sense of futility’ and labour market position among young adults in Flanders. Paper presented at "Transitions in Youth: A 20-Year Perspective", the 20th annual workshop of the European Research Network "Transitions in Youth", 5-8 September, Nijmegen - TOR 2012/42.
Elchardus, M.(2012): The new educational estates: benefits and costs of education. Brussel: Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 2012/20.
Cuperus, R., M. Elchardus(2012): Social Cohesion, Culture Politics and the Impact of Migration.In: Olaf Cramme and Patrick Diamond (Eds.),After the third way. The Future of Social Democracy in Europe, London - New York: I.B. Tauris: 125-142 - TOR 2012/8.
Daniels, S., I. Glorieux, J. Minnen, T.P. van Tienoven(2012): More than preparing a meal? Concerning the meaning of home cooking.Appetite, 58: 1050-1056 (DOI:10.1016/j.appet.2012.02.-040) - TOR 2012/2.
van Tienoven, T.P., I. Glorieux, I. Laurijssen, J. Minnen(2011): The social structure of time: optimal matching from time-use data.In: Carrasco Juan Antonio, Jara-Diaz Sergio & Munizaga Marcela (Eds.) ,Time Use Observatory, Santiago de Chile: Grafica LOM: 141-157 - TOR 2011/50.
Minnen, J., I. Glorieux(2011): Two days a week? A comparison of the quality of time-use data from 2-day, 7-day diaries and a weekly work grid.In: Carrasco Juan Antonio, Jara-Diaz Sergio & Munizaga Marcela (Eds.) ,Time Use Observatory, Santiago de Chile: Grafica LOM: 105-118 - TOR 2011/49.
Baerts, A., I. Glorieux(2011): The role of the partner in employment exit in Belgium.In: Motmans Joz, Cuypers Daniël, Meier Petra, Mortelmans Dimitri & Zanoni Patrizia (Eds.),Equal is not enough: challenging differences and inequalities in contemporary societies, Antwerpen-Hasselt: Conference Proceedings. Antwerp: Policy Research Centre on Equal opportunities, University of Antwerp - Hasselt University: 312-333 - TOR 2011/46.
Glorieux, I., R. Heyman, M. Jegers, M. Taelman(2011): “Who takes a second chance?’ Profile of participants in alternative systems for obtaining a secondary diploma.International Journal of Lifelong Education, 30, 6: 781-794 - TOR 2011/45.
Elchardus, M.(2011): Diversity and Standardization: Concepts, Issues and Approches.In: Max Koch, Lesley McMillan and Bram Peper,Diversity, standardization and social
transformation. Gender, ethnicity and inequality in Europe, Surrey: Ashgate: 9-26 - TOR 2011/42.
Elchardus, M.(2011): An electorate set free: culture, symbolism and social democracy.In: Michael McTernan (ed.) ,Exploring the Cultural Challenges to Social Democracy, London: Policy Network: 31-37 - TOR 2011/11.
Elchardus, M., K. De Keere(2010): Institutionalizing the new self. A comparative analysis.European Societies, 12, 5: 743-764 - TOR 2010/44.
Laurijssen, I., I. Glorieux(2010): The reconciliation of work and family. A longitudinal analysis of the impact of part-time work on the experience of time pressure. Leuven: Steunpunt Studie- en Schoolloopbanen, SSL-rapport nr. SSL/OD2/2010.23 (21 blz.) - TOR 2010/43.
Glorieux, I., T.P. van Tienoven(2010): Social capital and cultural participation: The effect of membership of associations on attending cultural activities. Paper prepared for the 6th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, 24-27 August 2010, Jyväskylä, Finland: Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 2010/42.
Vandeweyer, J., I. Glorieux(2010): The Belgian career break system.Newsletter Observatory for Sociopolitical Developments in Europe, 2: 3 - TOR 2010/24.
Glorieux, I., J. Minnen, T.P. van Tienoven(2010): Spouse “Together Time”: Quality Time Within the Household.Social Indicators Research, 101, 2: 281-287 - TOR 2010/16.
Glorieux, I., I. Laurijssen, J. Minnen, T.P. van Tienoven(2010): In Search of the Harried Leisure Class in Contemporary Society: Time-Use Surveys and Patterns of Leisure Time Consumption.Journal of Consumer Policy, 33, 2: 163-181 - TOR 2010/1.
Elchardus, M.(2009): The Flemish Socialist Party and ‘Strangers’: 1987-2009.In: Wim Vermeersch (Editor),Belgian Society and Politics 2009. The Diversity Challenge for the Left, Ghent: Gerrit Kreveld Foundation and Samenleving en politiek: 41-49 - TOR 2009/47.
Elchardus, M.(2009): Social Discontent in European Welfare States.In: Anton Hemerijck, Ben Knapen and Ellen Van Doorne (eds.),After Shocks. Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press: 145-154 - TOR 2009/43.
Mestdag, I., I. Glorieux(2009): Change and stability in commensality patterns: a comparative analysis of Belgian time-use data from 1966, 1999 and 2004.The Sociological Review, 57, 4: 703-726 - TOR 2009/41.
Glorieux, I., I. Mestdag, J. Minnen, J. Vandeweyer(2009): The Myth of the 24-hour Society: Non-standard Work Hours in Belgium, 1966 and 1999.Social Indicators Research, 93, 1: 177-183 - TOR 2009/15.
Elchardus, M.(2009): Self-control as social control. The emergence of symbolic society.Poetics, 37, 2: 146-161 - TOR 2009/5.
Vandeweyer, J., I. Glorieux(2009): Belgium: career breaks in Flanders.In: Moss, P. (ed.),International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2009, Employment Relations Research Series no. 102, London: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills: 32-49 - TOR 2008/32.
De Groof, S., M. Elchardus, E. Franck, D. Kavadias(2008): The influence of civic knowledge versus democratic school experiences on ethnic tolerance of adolescents. A multilevel analysis. Paper presented at the 3rd IEA International Research Conference, September 18-20, 2008, Taipei: Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 2008/31.
Elchardus, M.(2008): Happiness as an indicator of progress. Grounded reflections on some of its properties.European Commission - Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA), Monthly Brief, 17, July 2008: 6-9 - TOR 2008/26.
Glorieux, I., R. Heyman, M. Jegers, M. Taelman, Y. Van Dorsselaer(2008): “Who takes a second chance?” Sociographical portrait, educational tracks and motivations of adults striving for a high school diploma. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, May 7-10, Turin, Italy - TOR 2008/10.
Glorieux, I., I. Mestdag, J. Minnen(2008): The Coming of the 24-hour Economy? Changing work schedules in Belgium between 1966 and 1999.Time & Society, 17, 1: 63-83 - TOR 2008/7.
Vandeweyer, J., I. Glorieux(2008): Men Taking Up Career Leave: An Opportunity for a Better Work and Family Life Balance?Journal of Social Policy, 37, 2: 251-270 - TOR 2008/3.
Elchardus, M., B. Spruyt(2010): Does higher education influence the attitudes with regard to the extreme right?European Journal of Social Sciences, 18, 2: 181-195 - TOR 2007/36.
Stevens, F.(2007): Everybody is a music critic! Musical taste patterns and daily aesthetics. Glasgow, 3-6 September 2007: Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the European Sociological Association - TOR 2007/34.
Elchardus, M., C. Rombauts, W. Smits(2007): Explaining Tanguy. Residential dependence in Belgium, a test of the destructuralization and security theses. Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Glasgow, 3-6 September 2007 - TOR 2007/30.
Glorieux, I., T. Kuppens, D. Vandebroeck(2007): Mind the gap: Societal limits to public library effectiveness.Library & Information Science Research, 29: 188-208 - TOR 2007/29.
Koelet, S., I. Glorieux(2007): Inserting very short trips into existing Time use Surveys. Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (paper presented at the second conference of the European Survey Research Association, Prague, June 25-29, 2007) - TOR 2007/19.
Vanhoutte, B.(2007): Exploration of political participation among 14 to 25 year olds in Flanders. Paper presented at the seminar Young People and Active European Citizenship (Partnership EU Commission – Council of Europe), November 23-25, Budapest, Hungary: Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 2007/16.
Nakamya, J., E. Moons, S. Koelet, G. Wets(2007): The Impact of Data Integration on Some Important Travel Behavior Indicators.Transportation Research Record, nr. 1993, 89-94 - TOR 2007/14.
Duquet, N., I. Glorieux, I. Laurijssen, Y. Van Dorsselaer(2006): The educational careers of immigrant youth in Flanders. Paper voorgesteld op European Conference on Equal Opportunities 'Equal Is Not Enough: Dealing with Opportunities in a Diverse Society' georganiseerd door het Interuniversitair Steunpunt 'Gelijke Kansen', 12-14 september 2006, Antwerpen - TOR 2006/42.
Glorieux, I., I. Mestdag, J. Minnen(2006): Are atypical and flexible working hours increasing? Evolutions in working times in Belgium between 1966 and 1999. Paper voorgesteld op het XXVIII Annual Congres van de International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR), 16-18 augustus 2006, Copenhagen - TOR 2006/41.
Wets, G., P. Toint, M. Hubert, G. Zuallaert, R. Cuyvers, D. Gusbin, T. Eggerickx, I. Glorieux(2006): The valorization of transportation models to enable sustainable transportation. DWTC, Brussels: The Belgian Science Policy (51 blz.) - TOR 2006/37.
Laurijssen, I.(2006): Young women’s part-time work: family formation, choice and context. Paper presented at the 14th annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth "Vocationalisation of Education : how, where, when, why and in what sense does it matter?", September 7-9, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Qualifications (CEREQ), Marseille, France - TOR 2006/34.
Siongers, J.(2006): Intergenerational transmission of attitudes along symbolic mediated ways. Paper presented at the Changing Cultures: European Perspectives 2006 Conference of the ESA Research Network Sociology of Culture, Ghent (Belgium), November 15-17 2006, Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 2006/26.
Elchardus, M., C. Rombauts, W. Smits(2006): Explaining Tanguy. Residential dependence in Belgium, an empirical analysis. Paper presented on the 14th workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth, Marseille, 6 to 9 september 2006 , Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 2006/21.
Duquet, N.(2006): Angola’s Rise to Regional Power: A Theoretical Approach to Oil and Conflict in Central – Africa.St Antony's International Review. The International Politics of Oil, 2, 1: 96-112 - TOR 2006/17.
Elchardus, M., W. Smits(2008): The vanishing flexible: ambition, self-realization and flexibility in the career perspectives of young Belgian adults.Work, employment and society, 22, 2: 243-262 - TOR 2006/5.
Derks, A.(2007): Populist challenges to the welfare state in Belgium. On the susceptibility of the underpriviliged for antiwelfare state discourse and politics.In: Mau S. and Veghte B., Social Justice, Legitimacy and the Welfare State, Alderschot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd: 169-192 - TOR 2006/3.
Mestdag, I.(2005): Change in eating behaviour 1966 vs. 1999. An approach using sequence analysis. IATUR-congres, 2-4 november, Halifax, Canada - TOR 2005/52.
Glorieux, I.(2005): Reconciling paid work with family demands: Women’s strategies to keep the total work load in check.In: Jan Vrancken, Marc Jans & Peter van der Hallen (eds.),Labour Market Research and Policy Making in Flanders., Antwerpen: Garant: 125-146 - TOR 2005/46.
Elchardus, M., S. De Groof, W. Smits(2008): Rational fear or represented malaise. A crucial test of two paradigms explaining fear of crime.Sociological Perspectives, 51, 3: 453-471 - TOR 2005/40.
De Groof, S.(2005): And my mama said … Parental influence on fear of crime among adolescents. International Conference on Childhood 2005, Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies, June 29-July 3, Oslo - TOR 2005/28.
Elchardus, M., J. Siongers(2007): Ethnocentrism, taste and symbolic boundaries.Poetics, 35: 215-238 - TOR 2005/2.
Moens, M.(2004): Under pressure. Time and time pressure in Flanders. International Workshop Time Competition: Disturbed Balances and New Options in Work and Care, 24-25 juni, ICS, Utrecht, Nederland - TOR 2004/57.
Matheus, N., J. Siongers, I. Van den Brande(2004): De roeping tot leerkracht. Een onderzoek naar de aantrekkelijkheid van het leerkrachtenberoep in Vlaanderen anno 2002. Samenvatting. Onderzoeksproject OBPWO 01.02. Een onderzoek in opdracht van het Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Departement Onderwijs, Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Hoger instituut voor de arbeid, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - TOR 2004/47.
Belet, H., I. Glorieux, I. Laurijssen(2004): The Transition from School to Work in Flanders: Gender Inequality and the Role of Household Formation.In: P. Littlewood, I. Glorieux & I. Jönsson (eds.),The Future of Work in Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate: 157-178 - TOR 2004/45.
Littlewood, P., I. Glorieux, I. Jönsson(2004): Patterns of Change at Work.In: P. Littlewood, I. Glorieux & I. Jönsson (eds.),The Future of Work in Europe, Aldershot: Asghate: 1-10 - TOR 2004/44.
Littlewood, P., I. Glorieux, I. Jönsson(2004): The Future of Work in Europe. Aldershot: Asghate (248 blz.) - TOR 2004/43.
Glorieux, I., J. Minnen(2004): Working Five to Nine. Atypical working hours in Flanders/Belgium. Paper voorgesteld op het 26ste IATUR-congres, 27-29 oktober, Rome - TOR 2004/31.
Derks, A.(2004): Are the underprivileged really that economically ‘leftist’? Attitudes towards economic redistribution and the welfare state in Flanders.European Journal of Political Research, 43: 509-521 - TOR 2004/19.
Mestdag, I.(2004): Do snacks consume our meals? An exploring inquiry into the disappearing of the traditional meal in Flanders between 1988 and 1999, using time budget data. Paper voorgesteld op de elfde sociaal-wetenschappelijke studiedagen "de ontregelde samenleving", 22-23 april, Amsterdam - TOR 2004/18.
Moens, M., J. Scheerder(2004): Social determinants of sports participation revisited. The role of socialization and symbolic trajectories.European Journal for Sport and Society, 1, 1: 35-49 - TOR 2004/5.
Mestdag, I.(2003): Introducing Italian cuisine into Flemish home-meal cooking in the twentieth century. An analysis of the Flemish cooking bible Ons Kookboek (1927-1999).Food and History, 1, 1: 156-177 - TOR 2003/61.
Stevens, F.(2003): An Old Skool Subculture. Gabberculture in Belgium. Paper presented at the 6th ESA Conference, September 24, Murcia, Spain: Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 2003/60.
Stevens, F., A. Van Den Broek, J. Vandeweyer(2003): Time use of adolescents in Belgium and the Netherlands. Paper presented at the 25th IATUR Conference on Time Use Research 'Comparing Time', September 17-19, Brussels - TOR 2003/35.
Elchardus, M., J. Siongers(2003): Cultural Practice and Educational Achievement: The Role of the Parents’ Media Preferences and Taste Culture.The Netherlands' Journal of Social Sciences, 39, 3: 151-171 - TOR 2003/23.
Elchardus, M., J. Cohen(2004): Retirement as the Future of Work. An Empirical Analysis of Early Exit from the Labour Market in Belgium.In: P. Littlewood, I. Glorieux & I. Jönsson (eds.),The Future of Work in Europe, Aldershot: Asghate: 221-240 - TOR 2003/22.
Elchardus, M.(2002): Explaining the loss of trust. The case of Flanders. Paper presented at the 8th conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), Workshop Legitimacy end Trust, July 22-27, Aberysthwyth, UK - TOR 2002/41.
Coppens, K., S. Koelet(2002): Participation as a lever. Public participation and the division of household task. Paper presented at the IATUR-Conference, October 16-18, Lisbon - TOR 2002/6.
Glorieux, I., J. Vandeweyer(2002): Belgian men and women, a world of difference. On work division between Belgian men and women.Women and men in Belgium. Towards an equal society, Federal Ministry of Employment and Labour: 67-74 - TOR 2002/3.
De Groof, S., J. Siongers(2001): Citizenship education, between theory and practice. Paper presented at "Starting where they are; An international conference on young people and informal education", September 6-9, Glasgow - TOR 2001/81.
Elchardus, M., J. Siongers(2001): The Malaise of Limitlessness: An Empirical Study of the Relation between Detraditionalization, Meaningfulness and Malaise.Ethical Perspectives, 8, 3: 179-201 - TOR 2001/67.
Derks, A.(2001): Are the underprivileged really that economically progressive? Paper presented at the 5th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 28 - September, Helsinki, Finland - TOR 2001/55.
Hooghe, M.(2001): Inaccurate, one-sided or obsolete? A critical assessment of the arguments against communautarian pessimism. Paper presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 30 - September 2, San Francisco - TOR 2001/52.
Koelet, S.(2001): Female Men / Male Women: Gender versus Sex in Household Work. Paper presented for the IATUR conference "Time Use 2001: New Regions, New Data, New Methods and New Results", October 3-5, Oslo, Norway (verkorte versie) - TOR 2001/50.
Koelet, S.(2002): Zorgen voor morgen. Ouderschap tussen 1988 en 1999.Jaarboek 2002 - Seksualiteit, relaties, geboorteregeling, : 43-51 - TOR 2001/49.
Glorieux, I., S. Koelet(2001): Patterns from the Past. Traditional Gender Roles in Flanders. Paper presented at the IATUR conference "Time Use 2001: New Regions, New Data, New Methods and New Results", October 3-5, Oslo, Norway - TOR 2001/46.
Coppens, K., I. Glorieux, S. Koelet, M. Moens, J. Vandeweyer(2001): Flanders around the clock. Paper presented at the IATUR conference "Time Use 2001: New Regions, New Data, New Methods and New Results", October 3-5, Oslo, Norway - TOR 2001/45.
Glorieux, I., M. Moens(2001): The 1999 Flemish Time Budget Study. Response, External Validity and Results. Paper presented at the IATUR conference "Time Use 2001: New Regions, New Data, New Methods and New Results", October 3-5, Oslo, Norway - TOR 2001/44.
Hooghe, M.(2001): “Not for our kind of people” The sour grapes-phenomenon as a casual mechanism for political passicity.In: P. Dekker & E. Uslaner (eds.),Social Capital and Participation in Everyday Life, London: Routledge: 162-175 - TOR 2001/41.
Hooghe, M.(2001): What If Citizens Still Participated In Politics? The debate about social political participation and the emergence of new action repertoires. Paper presented at the International Seminar on Political Consumerism, Stockholm University - TOR 2001/40.
Glorieux, I., J. Vandeweyer(2001): Time Use in Belgium. Results of the TUS 1999 carried out by Statistics Belgium. Brussels: Statistics Belgium - TOR 2001/12.
Glorieux, I., M. Moens, S. Koelet, K. Coppens(2000): Time Use in Flanders: Changes in Time Use between 1988 and 1999. Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 2000/44.
Hooghe, M.(2000): Abortion and the Discrepancy between Reality and the Law.The Low Countries. Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands, 8: 71-74 - TOR 2000/30.
Hooghe, M.(2000): Value congruence within voluntary associations. A social psychological extension of social capital theory. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 31 September, Washington D.C. - TOR 2000/29.
Elchardus, M., D. Kavadias(2000): The socializing effects of educational networks. The relevance of the distinction between public and private schools with relation tot the non-cognitive outcomes of last-year pupils in Flanders (Belgium). Paper voorgesteld op de International Sociological Association (ISA) Midterm Conference RC04 Education: Outcomes and Governance of Schooling, 5-7 juli, Groningen - TOR 2000/20.
Hooghe, M.(1999): The Rebuke of Thersites. Deliberative Democracy Under Conditions of Inequality.Acta Politica, 34, 4: 287-301 - TOR 1999/66.
Elchardus, M.(1999): Education for Democratic Citizenship. The Schools’ Effectiveness, and the Expectations of Civil Society. Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 1999/56.
Elchardus, M., D. Kavadias, J. Siongers(1999): Can schools educate? On the influence of schools on the values of their pupils. A summary of the research report on Flanders. Councel of Europe, Council for cultural co-operation (CDCC), DECS/EDU/CIT(99)65, Strasbourg, 19 November, Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 1999/55.
Elchardus, M., D. Kavadias(1999): Schools and values education. An empirical analysis. Onderzoeksgroep TOR, Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 1999/54.
Littlewood, P., I. Glorieux, S. Herkommer, I. Jönsson(1999): Social Exclusion in Europe: Problems and paradigms. Aldershot: Ashgate (254 blz.) - TOR 1999/50.
Glorieux, I.(1999): Paid Work: A Crucial Link Between Individuals and Society? Some conclusions on the meaning of work for social integration.In: P. Littlewood, I. Glorieux, S. Herkommer & I. Jönsson (eds.),Social Exclusion in Europe: Problems and paradigms, Aldershot: Ashgate: 67-87 - TOR 1999/49.
Glorieux, I., M. Elchardus(1999): What does your time mean? Some arguments for including indicators on the meaning of time use in time budget research. Paper presented at the 1999 IATUR Conference 'The State of Time Use Research at the End of the Century', 6-8 October, University of Essex, Colchester, UK - TOR 1999/48.
Hooghe, M.(1999): Content Matters. The effect of participation in voluntary association on attitudes and empowerment. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, 18-21 July, Amsterdam - TOR 1999/47.
Hooghe, M.(1999): Why Should we be Bowling Alone? Cross Sectional Data on the Relation between Cultural and Social Change within Belgian Society and Participation Levels. Paper presented for the Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), August, 18-21, Amsterdam - TOR 1999/42.
Hooghe, M.(1999): Voluntary Associations and Social Capital. An Empirical, Survey-Based Test of the Putman Hypothesis. Paper prepared for the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2-5, Atlanta Marriott Marquis and Atlanta Hilton and Towers - TOR 1999/41.
Kavadias, D.(1999): Does democracy begin in schools? The impact of schools on the political attitudes of last year pupils in Flanders. Paper ESA-conference, August 19th, Amsterdam - TOR 1999/37.
Hooghe, M.(1999): The notion of complex equality and the beauty of Alcibiades. Multatuli-lezing 1999, Workshop met prof. Michael Walzer, 21 mei, Leuven - TOR 1999/22.
Hooghe, M.(1998): “Not for our Kind of People”. The Sour Grapes-phenomenon in Politic Passivity. ECPR JOINT SESSIONS, Workshop 19, 23-28/3, Warwick - TOR 1998/26.
Elchardus, M.(1998): The Recent Rediscovery of the Value of Values. Lessons for the Schools.Educaçâo e Sociedade Coloquio, Nova Serie, Junho, 3: 103-130 - TOR 1998/6.
Elchardus, M., A. Derks(1998): Discourses about the Relationship between the Individual and Society in Flanders. The Consequences of Individualistic Challenges in a Collectivist Culture.Ethical Perspectives, 5, 2: 109-126 - TOR 1998/5.
Hooghe, M., K. Pelleriaux(1998): Compulsory Voting in Belgium: an Application of the Lijphart Thesis. Research Note.Electoral Studies, 17, 4: 419-124 - TOR 1998/1.
Hooghe, M.(1997): The Urge for Democratic Control.In: Timothy Garton Ash et. al.,Europe. Experience and Expectation, Amsterdam: Praemium Erasmanium Foundation: 129-138 - TOR 1997/23.
Hooghe, M.(1997): New Social Movements, Social Change and Political Morality in Belgium. Paper presented at the Conference 'Identity Politics, National Culture, and Moral Resurgence', 6-7 May, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam - TOR 1997/8.
Glorieux, I.(1997): Does work still make sense: On the meaning of work and social integration in a society with job shortage.Social Exclusion in Europe, Reader for the Intensive Course of the ERASMUS-program, Monte Gordo (Portugal), 22-28 february 1997, Rotterdam: Erasmus University: 15-23 - TOR 1997/4.
Hooghe, M., A. Derks(1997): Voluntary Associations and the Creation of Social Capital. The Involvement Effect of Participation. Centrum voor Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 1997/3.
Elchardus, M.(1996): The Rediscovery of Chronos: The New Role of Time in Sociological Theory.In: C.G.A. Bryant & D. Jary (eds),Anthony Giddens: Critical Assessments, London: Routledge (reprinted) - TOR 1996/33.
Corijn, E., P. Van den Eeckhout(1996): Leisure Research in Belgium: No Engine of its Own.In: H. Mommaas, H. van der Poel, P. Bramham & I. Henry (eds),Leisure Research in Europe. Methods and Traditions, Oxon: CABI: 139-177 - TOR 1996/29.
Erskine, A., M. Elchardus, S. Herkommer, J. Ryan(1996): Changing Europe. Some Aspects of Identity, Conflict and Social Justice. Aldershot: Avebury - TOR 1996/17.
Huysseune, M.(1996): Changing Class- and Gender-Patterns of Recruitment and Career-Tracks of Belgian University Graduates. Paper presented at the European Social Science History Conference, 11-5, Noordwijkerhout (NL) - TOR 1996/12.
Elchardus, M., A. Derks, I. Glorieux, K. Pelleriaux(1996): Unemployment… to be continued.Ethical Perspectives, 3, 1: 50-68 - TOR 1996/6.
Huysseune, M.(1996): Masonic Initiation, A Utopian Journey?In: R. Baccolini, V. Fortunati & N. Minerva (eds.),Viaggi in utopia, Ravenna: Angelo Longo Editore: 163-174 - TOR 1996/4.
Elchardus, M.(1996): Class, Cultural Re-alignment, and the Rise of the Populist Right.In: A. Erskine, M. Elchardus, S. Herkommer & J. Ryan (eds.),Changing Europe. Some aspects of identity, conflict and social justice, Aldershot: Avebury: 41-63 - TOR 1996/1.
Elchardus, M., A. Derks(1996): Culture Conflict and its Consequences for the Legitimation Crisis.Res Publica, 38, 2: 237-253 - TOR 1995/8.
Corijn, E., S. Van Praet(1994): Antwerp 93, in the Context of European Cultural Capitals: Art Policy as Politics. A Balance Sheet. Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 1994/20.
Van Ryckeghem, D.(1994): Information Technology and Culture in an African Context. An Analytical Approach by dint of Three Case Studies. Paper presented for the XIIIth World Congress of Sociology, 18-23 July, Bielefeld - TOR 1994/18.
Corijn, E.(1994): Europe’s Unification Project and the Ethics of Leisure Studies.In: I. Henry (ed),Leisure: Modernity, Postmodernity and Lifestyles, Brighton: LSA: 13-27 - TOR 1994/16.
Derks, A., M. Elchardus, I. Glorieux, K. Pelleriaux(1996): The Effects of Father’s Unemployment on the School Career and Values of the Children.In: M.P.M. de Goede, P.M. de Klaver, J.A.C. van Ophem, C.H.A. Verhaar & A. de Vries (eds.),Youth: Unemployment, Identity and Policy, Aldershot: Avebury: 87-106 - TOR 1994/10.
Derks, A., M. Elchardus, I. Glorieux, K. Pelleriaux(1996): The Continuity of Unemployment: Self-perpetuation or Social Predestination.In: C.H.A. Verhaar, P.M. de Klaver, M.P.M de Goede, J.A.C. van Ophem & A. de Vries (eds.),On the Challenges of Unemployment in a Regional Europe, Aldershot: Avebury: 181-199 - TOR 1994/9.
Van Ryckeghem, D.(1994): Information Technology in Kenya. A Cultural Approach. Centrum voor Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 1994/5.
Van Ryckeghem, D.(1994): Information Technology in an African Context: An Introduction to a Cultural Qualitative Methodological Approach to Implementation Conditions. International Conference on the Impact of Informatics on Society: Key Issue for Developing Countries. WG 9.4 IFIP/CUBA-INFORMATICA, Havana, Cuba - TOR 1994/4.
Van Ryckeghem, D.(1995): Information Technology in Kenya: A Dynamic Approach.Telematics and Informations, 12, 1: 57-65 - TOR 1994/3.
Van Ryckeghem, D.(1994): Information Technology and Culture: a Dynamic Approach. Information Technology and People, - TOR 1994/2.
Huysseune, M.(1993): Masonic Lodges as Utopian Spaces? Parallels between Utopia and Enlightenment Freemasonry.In: B. Coppieters (ed.),The World of the Enlightenment, Brussel: VUBPress: 87-105 - TOR 1993/13.
Van Ryckeghem, D.(1993): Information Technology and Development. Taking Culture into Account. Abstract for the International Conference on Science and Technology in Third World Development, 5-7 april, Glasgow - TOR 1993/3.
Elchardus, M., I. Glorieux(1994): The Search for the Invisible 8 Hours. The Gendered Use of Time in a Society with a High Labour Force Participation of Women.Time & Society, 3, 1: 5-27 - TOR 1993/2.
Corijn, E.(1992): Mass Media and the National Question in Belgium.In: M. Parès i Maicas (ed.),Mass Communications, Cultural Identity, and Cross-Cultural Relations, Barcelona: Centre d'Investigacio de la Comunicacio and UNESCO - TOR 1992/18.
Van Ryckeghem, D.(1992): Implementation of Information Technology: Socio-Cultural Issues.In: S. Bhatnager & M. Odedra (Eds.),Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, : 42-51 - TOR 1992/14.
Van Ryckeghem, D.(1992): Information Technologies in Brazil: Hope of the Third World.Telematics and Informatics, 1: 43-51 - TOR 1992/13.
Elchardus, M.(1994): In Praise of Rigidity: on Temporal and Cultural Flexibility.Information sur les Sciences Sociales, 33, 3: 459-477 - TOR 1992/7.
Elchardus, M., I. Glorieux(1993): Towards a Semantic Taxonomy. Classifying Activities on the Basis of Their Meaning.Time Use Methodology: Toward Consensus, ISTAT (note e relazioni), 3, Roma: Istituto Nazionale di Statistica: 247-276 - TOR 1992/5.
Stouthuysen, P.(1991): The Belgian Peace Movement.In: P.G. Klandermans (ed.),International Social Movement Research. A Research Annual, Peace Movements in Western Europe and the United States, vol. 3, Greenwich Conn.: JAI-Press: 175-199 - TOR 1991/10.
Elchardus, M.(1991): Flexible Men and Women. The Changing Temporal Organization of Work and Culture.Social Science Information, 30, 4: 701-725 - TOR 1991/1.
Elchardus, M.(1992): Rationality and the Specialization of Meaning. A Sociological Approach to the Allocation of Time.In: G. Antonides, W. Arts & W.F. Van Raaij,The Consumption of Time and the Timing of Consumption, Towards a New Behavioral and Socio-Economics, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Nieuwe Reeks, 146, Amsterdam/Oxford: North Holland: 69-86 - TOR 1990/9.
Glorieux, I.(1993): Social Interaction and the Social Meanings of Action: A Time-Budget Approach.Social Indicators Research, 30: 149-173 - TOR 1990/3.
Heyvaert, P.(1989): Changing Relationships: Recent Trends in Family Relations. Paper voorgesteld op de workshop "International Workshop on Recent Research on Families", 4-5 december, Brussel, VUB - TOR 1990/2.
Corijn, E., L. Bollaert(1989): Cultural Policy and Sports Policy in Brussels.In: P. Bramham, I. Henri, H. Mommaas & H. van der Poel (eds.),Leisure and Urban Processes: Critical Studies of Leisure Policy in Western European Cities, London: Routledge: 90-98 - TOR 1989/11.
Corijn, E., M. Theeboom(1989): Leisure Education and the Antwerp School System.In: P. Bramham, I. Henry, H. Mommaas & H. van der Poel (eds),Leisure and Urban Processes: Critical Studies of Leisure Policy in Western European Cities, London: Routledge: 102-123 - TOR 1989/10.
Elchardus, M.(1993): The Revolutionary Transition, and the Modern Problem of Process.In: J.T. Fraser & Lewis Rowell (eds.),Time and Process: Interdisciplinary Issues, The Study of Time VII, Connecticut: International Universities Press Inc.: 87-108 - TOR 1989/4.
Elchardus, M., I. Glorieux(1991): The Generalized Meanings of the Use of Time: Replication and Progress Report.In: International Associations for Time Use Research (ed.),Time Use Studies World Wide, Sofia: Socio Consult: 209-229 - TOR 1989/3.
Corijn, E., L. Bollaert, M. Theeboom(1988): Leisure Education and the Flemish School System: A Strategy to Succesful Implementation. Free Time, Culture and Society, WLRA, Canada - TOR 1988/8.
Elchardus, M., I. Glorieux(1988): The Generalized Meanings of the Use of Time. Paper voorgesteld op het congres "International Meeting on Studies of Time Use", 14-16 juni, Budapest, Hongarije - TOR 1988/3.
Corijn, E.(1987): Leisure Education and Emancipation in Today’s Context.European Journal of Education, 22, 3/4: 265-274 - TOR 1987/14.
Elchardus, M.(1990): The Temporalities of Exchange: The Case of Self-Organization for Societal Governance.In: B. Marin (ed.),Generalized Political Exchange, Frankfurt / New York: Campus / Westview - TOR 1987/7.
Baert, P., J. De Schampheleire(1988): Autopoiesis, Self-organisation and Symbolic Interactionism: Some Convergences.Kybernetes, The International Journal of Cybernetics & General Systems, 1: 60-69 - TOR 1987/3.
Corijn, E.(1986): A Dialectical Leisure Concept.Proceedings 6th European Congress on Leisure "Free Time in the Cities", Vienna: ELRA Wien - TOR 1986/9.
Baert, P.(1986): The Creation of an Invented Future: An Inquiry into G.H. Mead’s Relatively-Open Future with Special Reference to Sociological Theory. Centrum voor Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - TOR 1986/3.
Glorieux, I.(1986): Alienation and the Social Meanings of Time: Some Results of a Timebudget Study among Unemployed Belgian Workers. Paper presented at the XIth World Congres of Sociology, August 16-22, New Delhi - TOR 1986/2.
Elchardus, M.(1988): The Rediscovery of Chronos: The New Role of Time in Sociological Theory.International Sociology, 3, 1: 35-59 - TOR 1986/1.
Elchardus, M.(1984): Life Cycle and Life Course; The Scheduling and Temporal Integration of Life.In: S. Feld & R. Lesthaeghe (eds.),Population and Societal Outlook - Population et Prospectives, Proceedings of the 'Agora Demography' Symposium, Brussel / Tielt: Koning Boudewijnstichting / Lannoo: 251-267 - TOR 1984/2.