From school to work: implementing a permanent and longitudinal observatory for transitions in youth

  • Period: 01/12/1999 to 30/11/2002
  • Subsidising organisation: Ministry of the Flemish Community, Programme for Policy Relevant Research '98 - policy domain Education (PBO98/56/76)
  • life course
  • Promotor: I. Glorieux (VUB - Vakgroep Sociologie) , P. Coppieters (UFSIA) , E. Omey (UG - Vakgroep Sociale Economie) , J. Van Damme (KUL - Onderzoekscentrum voor Secundair en Hoger Onderwijs) , V. Van De Velde (HIVA) , P. Van der Hallen (KUL - Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Vorming)
  • Onderzoeker: I. Laurijssen (VUB - Vakgroep Sociologie) (01/10/2014 - 31/12/2015) , H. Creten (HIVA) , T. Schatteman (UFSIA) , H. Belet (VUB - Vakgroep Sociologie) , D. Verhaest (UG) , E. Verhofstadt (UG)

In another research project (The transition from education to work) an instrument to observe the transition from school to work was tested. The current project aims at the implementation and consolidation of this instrument. In order to realize the final development of this permanent observatorium we will rely on the experiences with this prototype. Regular contacts with international experts on schoolleavers research, who validate our procedures, help to ensure a thorough quality controll. In the first stage a broad consultation of policy makers and other potential users is also planned. In the long run this project realizes the basis for a longitudinal research.