This project was a cooperation between Groupe de Recherche sur les Transports (GRT)
Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix (FUNDP), Centre d’Études Sociologiques (CES)/Facultés Universitaires Saint Louis (FUSL) and TOR/VUB.
The project aims at building up a new data base on mobility and activities in Belgium by combining the data sets from two national surveys, conducted in 1999: the national survey on households’ mobility (MOBEL) and the national survey on time use (NIS/TOR). Two partners in this project, GRT and TOR, are the best specialists of these data sets since they coordinated their setting up and their exploitation.
Fed by questions arising from interviews and qualitative researches, in which CES have acquired large skills, this base will allow analyzing the link between mobility and temporality and to explore the hypothesis about physical efforts minimization in displacements.
Finally, in the context of the probable vanishing of Belgian census, this elaborate work on qualitative mobility problems and quantitative surveys brings up a strategic interest related to the future of transport statistics in Belgium. A particular effort was achieved aiming to draw conclusions in this direction and to disseminate them.