In 2012, financed by the HERCULES foundation, the Research Group TOR developed software to design, administer and manage online questionnaires and keep online time-dairies. The so-called MOTUS-software was used to conduct the 2013 Flemish time-use survey. Recently and for the first time, the questionnaire component of the MOTUS-software has been used by another Flemish university to conduct online surveys. The IWT-SBO financed study on “prematurity as predictor of children’s cardiovascular-renal health (PREMATCH)” of the KU Leuven and the UZ Leuven uses the software to conduct a CASI pre- and post-questionnaire and a CAPI questionnaire that allows the researcher to input results of cognitive tests, blood pressure, weight, skin fold measurements, Tanner scores, et cetera, immediately during the home visit. The goal of the PREMATCH study is to compare the cardiovascular, renal and cognitive development of preterm births with normal births. The MOTUS-software is inscribed in the research protocol as it is published in Blood Pressure.